Cross Country NWT (CCNWT) is a non-profit volunteer organization. CCNWT serves two primary functions:
- It is the Territorial Sport Organization for cross country skiing with Sport North.
- It is the Northwest Territories division of Nordiq Canada, the national sport governing body for cross country skiing.
CCNWT Objectives:
The objectives of CCNWT shall be to develop, encourage, promote and maintain the sport or activity of skiing throughout the Northwest Territories; specifically:
a) to develop, encourage, promote and maintain competitive and recreational skiing throughout the NWT
b) to foster encourage and assist in the formation of ski clubs throughout the NWT
c) to foster, encourage and assist in the development of local leadership in community ski activities
d) to promote, to assist in the organization and implementation of, and to conduct ski activities in the NWT
e) to encourage and assist in the development of a Northwest Territories ski team to represent the NWT in inter-territorial, provincial and national competitions
f) to function as the Northwest Territories Division of Nordiq Canada; and
g) to engage in any other activity pursuant to the overall object stated above.